Monday, May 31, 2021-SW Michigan-Cloudy Memorial Day Weather Here
Currently 66 with an average wind from the SW of 1 mph. Feels like 66 degrees. Dew Point 42, Barometer 30.27, Humidity 45%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 6:07 am, Sunset 9:15 pm.
Partly cloudy early becoming mostly cloudy. High 72. WSW winds 10-15 mph.
Cloudy early becoming partly cloudy as the night goes on. Low 49. SW winds 5 -10 mph.
Still looking for the 80 degree weather to begin about next Friday. Looks to be some rain coming about midweek – Wednesday and Thursday, but it should clear out leaving warmer temperatures behind it. Sounds like a pleasant forecast to me.
Hoping everyone pauses a minute or two today to remember the reason for this holiday. To give thanks to those who gave their all so that we could live on with freedoms and hope. And to reinforce the fact that we owe it to all of them to safeguard and ensure those freedoms continue.