Friday, June 26, 3030-SW Michigan- Building Up For Some T-Storms
Currently 75 with an average wind from the SSE of 3 mph. Feels like 75 degrees. Dew Point 60, Barometer 29.95, Humidity 58%, Sunrise 6:05am, Sunset 9:25 pm.
A slight chance of server weather from now through Saturday morning.
Today there is a chance of morning showers and thunderstorms and a 70% chance of showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon. Some storms could be severe. High in the mid 80s. SW winds 5 – 15 mph.
90% chance of overnight showers and thunderstorms. Some storms could be heavy and severe. Low in the mid 60s. SW winds 5 – 15 mph.
So far today we just have an overcast day with a close feeling as if rain is on the way, but none yet. We could be in for some severe storms with this system or perhaps we might just get some heavy rain. We’ll see how harsh the weather gets. We could use the rain, but not the severity.