Friday, Oct. 19, 2018 South West Michigan – Possible Rain Today/Tonight
Currently 46 with an average wind from the SSW of 12 mph. Feels like 41. Dew Point 38, Humidity 72%, Barometer 30.05 & falling, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 8:00am, Sunset 6:52pm. Partly cloudy this morning becoming cloudy with a 40% chance of rain. High 54. SW winds 15 – 25 mph.
Cloudy with a 50% chance of rain early, becoming partly cloudy. Low 41. W winds 15 – 25 mph.
Watching the national weather map and seeing a cold swatch covering most of the northeast of the nation. And of course, my state is nestled right in there. So we’re expecting cooler temperatures. One one hand, our humid, muggy weather has fled the scene, now it’s time to start the bundle up warding off the chill stuff. One plus? No mosquitoes :>) But that Jet Stream is definitely ducking down into the states, bringing colder weather with it.