Currently 26 with an average wind from the NE of 3 mph. Feels like 26 degrees. Dew Point 26, Barometer 29.8, Humidity 100%, Visibility 1.5 mi., Sunrise 8:11 am, Sunset 5:10 pm
100% chance of snow until midday then possibly mixed with rain in the afternoon. Snow accumulation 2-4″ possible by end of day. High in the lower 30s. SE winds 5-10 mph.
100% chance of snow. Blowing snow likely. 3-5″ possible. Low near 10. NW winds 5-10 mph with gusts to 25 increasing to 15-25 with gusts to 40. Wind chill as low as -4 to -14 overnight.
Be very, very careful later today about flash freezing. The temperature is going to dip quickly and that is a dangerous situation for driving. There is absolutely NO reason, unless you are part of a road crew or emergency responders – or some situation where life and death is in the balance – for anyone to be on the road tomorrow or Saturday. (And my heart and my prayers go out to those dedicated folks for their service during weather like this.) This is not our ordinary storm coming in and there is no way it’s going to miss us.
This is a completely dangerous storm. Winter Storm Elliott will bring snow, wind, temperatures dipping into very low numbers with outrageous wind chill readings, power outages. This is going to be one for the record books and one people will be posting on Facebook decades from now…”Remember that 2022 blizzard that hit right before Christmas?” Trust me on this, you do NOT want to be going anywhere tomorrow or Saturday. Can’t even imagine how many Christmas plans have been changed due to this massive storm. (My family has moved our Christmas celebration to New Year’s Day)
Want to know how bad it’s going to get? There are meteorologists from The Weather Channel here in Michigan. Mike Seidel is in Holland. Anyone a Weather Channel watcher knows these folks only go to where the worst of the worst is scheduled to take place.