Sunday, March 16, 20215-SW Michigan-Darn Cold Out There
Currently 36 with an average wind from the SW of 3 mph. Feels like 30 degrees. Dew Point 36, Barometer 29.43, Humidity 100%, Visibility 7 mi., Sunrise 7:53 am, Sunset 7:49 pm.
100% chance of rain becoming afternoon snow. 1″ or less expected. High in the upper 30s. NW winds around 10 mph increasing to 10-15 with gusts to 30.
Partly cloudy with an overnight low in the lower 20s. NW winds5-10w with gusts to round20 in the evening becoming light.
At least the rain is cleaning up our atmosphere after yesterday’s unpleasant stuff. Dust, smoke…the air along with a high wind made it a pretty uncomfortable day. Today we’re just dealing with cold – and probably snow later on. Not a delightful day at all. And look for a repeat of today around next Thursday. We can only hope that will be the end of the 30 degrees and snow because we’re certainly had our fill of it. Don’t look for any drastic warm up next week but temperatures in the 50s will be our norm. This is not the spring weather we’ve been dreaming of…not yet anyway. Eventually. We can only hope.