Thursday, Jan. 9, 2025-SW Michigan-Expect Some Snow Tomorrow
Currently 14 with a 3 mph wind from the ENE. Feels like 14 degrees. Dew Point 11, Humidity 78%, Barometer 30.25, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 8:13 am, Sunset 5:26 pm.
Partly sunny with a high in the upper 20s. L winds becoming S 5-10 mph in the afternoon.
Mostly cloudy with a 40% chance of overnight snow showers. Low 15-20 with S winds 5-10 mph.
Might see a bit of sun today but not tomorrow. Look for the chance of some snow falling tonight and definitely tomorrow. Appears to be a little snow again on Sunday and Monday. Alas…adding snow to the cold seems a bit too wintry but that’s our picture shaping up. Could be worse. Could be in the grip of Winter Storm Cora – thank goodness that was one more winter storm that slid to the south of us, leaving us without the woes it’s creating. A couple inches of snow coming pales in comparison to what’s going on in other parts of the nation. We can cope with this.