Saturday, March 26, 2022-SW Michigan-Hideous March Weather
Currently 30 with an average wind from the NW of 16 mph. Feels like 19 degrees. Dew Point 25, Humidity 79%, Barometer 29.72 & rising, Visibility 9 mi., Sunrise 7:34 am, Sunset 8:01 pm
Cloudy becoming windy with a 90% chance of snow showers. Temperature holding steady around 30 degrees. NW winds 20-30 with higher gusts possible.
Mostly cloudy overnight with a low of 19 degrees. NW winds 10-20 mph.
This is a miserable stretch of spring weather. Nothing pleasant about it. Sunday will be worse. All we can do is hunker down and think spring. I mean real spring, like in story books, right? No, seriously, spring will be here…at least in time to usher in summer. Hang in there.