Friday March 18, 2022-SW Michigan-Rainy Time Setting In
Currently 42 with an average wind from the NE of 11 mph. Feels like 36 degrees. Dew Point 35, Humidity 75%, Barometer 30.00, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:49 am, Sunset 7:52 pm.
Cloudy with an 80% chance of afternoon rain. High 46. ENE winds 15-25 mph.
100% chance of occasional overnight rain. 1/4″ possible. Low 40. ENE winds 15-25 mph.
No rain yet but a bland sky looking like it’s heading toward that direction. Rain later today and tomorrow. Sunday, so far, is looking fine. Sunshine even. Look for several rainy days about mid week next week. Won’t be super warm but 40 degree days beat what we’ve had so no complaints here. Just means we’re going in the right direction. And weren’t the past 2 days of 60 degrees wonderful? More on the way, just a little later than we’d hope.