Thursday, Oct. 7, 2021-SW Michigan-Another Foggy Fall Morning
Currently 64 with an average wind from the E of 10 mph. Feels like 64 degrees. Dew Point 62, Humidity 98%, Humidity 98%, Barometer 30.18, Visibility 1.5 mi., Sunrise 7:47 am, Sunset 7;14 pm.
Cloudy with a 60% chance of occasional rain showers. Thunder possible. High 72. ESE winds 10-15 mph.
The same cloudy sky and 60% chance of rain overnight. Low 63. SE winds 5 -10 mph.
Another colorless sky with fog clinging to the trees. Still, the temperatures are supposed to stay in the comfortable range for this time of year. Fog and rain we can expect at any day during this month but there have been years when the temperature has been much cooler. We’re lucky that isn’t the case this year. All too soon those temperatures will take a dive and out will come the cold weather gear. I’m content with this, light jacket, maybe a need for an umbrella.