Wednesday, May 26, 2021-SW Michigan-Cool Down Comes With The Rain
Currently 66 with an average wind from the SW of 6 mph. Feels like 66 degrees. Dew Point 63, Barometer 29.93 & rising, Humidity 91%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 6:09 am, Sunset 9:10 pm.
Cloudy with the chance of a bit of sunshine later on. Possible rain shower or thunderstorm. High 77. WSW winds 10 -20 pm.
Cloudy skies overnight. Low 44. N winds 10-20 mph.
We did get some much needed rain overnight. In fact, it’s been such a long time since we had a nice persistent rain that when I woke up about 4:30 and found it raining, I spent almost an hour sitting by the open window just enjoying the sight and sound of it. A bit of traffic that I can no longer see since the trees have all leafed out, but can hear, swishing along the rainy road. Tree leaves shining and shivering, just the sound of raindrops falling on anything it could find to land on in my tiny backyard patio. It was lovely. Got almost an inch, .80″ of rain, which is going to help so much to liven things up again. We will dip down to the 50 degree range by Friday, but never fear, it will warm right back up into the 70s again quite quickly. It’s worth the cool down to get the rain. Wish we had more in line, and maybe the next couple of days, especially Friday, could bring us a bit, but after that it looks dry again. Should be pleasant weather for Memorial Day weekend.