Thursday, April 29, 2021-SW Michigan-Chilly, Light Rain Today
Currently 50 with an average wind from the WNW of 3 mph. Feels like 46 degrees. Dew point 45, Barometer 29.80, Humidity 85%, Visibility 9 mi., Sunrise 6:38 am, Sunset 8:41 pm.
80% chance of rain. High near 60 degrees. NNW winds 10-20 mph.
24% chance of overnight rain with a low near 40. WNW winds 10-20 mph.
Not going to be a pretty day today. It will stay chilly, gray and damp. Doesn’t look like much rainĀ but off and on it’s determined to put in an appearance today. However, tomorrow we will see some sunshine. Sunday, too. And decent temperatures. So our weekend is looking up, we just have to get through this dreary little day to get there. Cold fronts keep on keeping on like waves rolling through our area. I guess the goal is to enjoy the nice days between those swells of not so nice. We can do it. We’ve put up with worse and we know we’re heading in the right direction. Soon delightful warm days will be – hopefully – the norm.