Thursday, April 22, 2021-SW Michigan-Warm Up Heading Our Way
Currently 38 with an average wind from the WSW of 8 mph. Feels like 38 degrees. Dew Point 30, Barometer 30.09 & rising, Humidity 67%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 6:49 am, Sunset 8:33 pm.
Mostly sunny today with a high in the upper 40s. W winds 10-15 mph with gusts to 30.
Mostly clear overnight with areas of frost. Low in the mid 30s. SW winds 5 -1 0 mph with gusts to 20 in the evening.
This morning’s sky was interesting. Thick patchy clouds that are now separating and fluffing up. These are, supposedly, due to pretty much vanish as the day goes on, leaving us plenty of glorious sunshine. Won’t warm up a tremendous amount today but hang in here…it’s on the way. This might be our last frosty night. Let’s hope so. I think we’ve seen enough cold to last us for awhile.