Friday, March 19, 2021-SW Michigan-Pleasant Weekend Ahead
Currently 31 with an average wind from the NE of 8 mph. Feels like 24 mph. Dew Point 19, Barometer 30.51, Humidity 61%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:47 am, Sunset 7:53 pm.
Sunny with a high in the upperĀ 40s. NE winds 10-15 mph becoming E in the afternoon.
Clear overnight skies. Low in the upper 20s. Light winds.
We can look forward to 3 or 4 nice days ahead of us and then looks as if we might be facing a rainy week ahead. Somewhere from Tuesday on, look for rain. We can use it to freshen things up, help things green up. And tomorrow is the first day of Spring, so…
Starting to see that faint green tinge on the top of some trees. Weeping Willows are good ones to start looking at this time of year. Encouragement that our multi green shades of summer are on the way. Glorious!