Thursday, Dec. 10, 2020-SW Michigan-Weekend Now Might Be Just Rain
Currently 33 with an average wind from the SE of 3 mph. Feels like 30 degrees. Dew point 33, Barometer 30.04, Humidity 100%, Visibility 1.5 mi., Sunrise 8:03 am, Sunset 5:07 pm.
Partly sunny until midday becoming mostly sunny. Widespread dense freezing fog and areas of fog until midday. High in the upper 40s. S winds 5 -10mph.
Partly cloudy in the evening becoming mostly cloudy. Low in the lower 30s. S winds 10 mph.
Okay, so now the picture for the weekend seems to be minus snow for my area. Who knows? But for now, we seem to be looking at rain rather than snow. It sounds as if the snow will be hitting in the upper portions of Michigan. I know. I know. Just yesterday…but things change with the weather so quickly. A tiny wobble here, a wiggle there, in the systems and a whole new pictures comes in focus. So – for now, it’s rain. We’ll see how it goes.