Tuesday, Oct. 27, 2020-SW Michigan-A Gloomy Day Not Expected To Brighten Up
Currently 37 with an average wind from the W of 2 mph. Feels like 37 degrees. Dew Point 35, Barometer 30.27, Humidity 91%, Visibility 2.2 mi., Sunrise 8;11 am, Sunset 6:40 pm.
100% chance of rain possibly mixed with snow showers. High in the lower 40s. W winds 10 mph.
Mostly clear. Low around 30. SW winds 5 -1 0 mph.
Not a pretty morning. Feels like rain, looks like rain. Hopefully we won’t get any snow mixed in with that. At least there is no wind so speak of out there. It does appear, if the forecast can be trusted, as if we may see some more 50 degree days next week. That would be lovely to start a new month out on a slightly warm note. Especially November which can be a really ugly month in Michigan. And has from time to time. Never know until we get into it.