Sunday, Aug. 30, 2020-SW Michigan-Fall-Like Weather
Currently 67 degrees with an average wind from the ESE of 5 mph. Feels like 67 degrees. Dew Point 51, Barometer 29.95, Humidity 56%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:05 am, Sunset 8:19 pm.
Mostly sunny with a high in the mid 70s. N winds 5 – 10 mph becoming light later in the afternoon.
Mostly clear. low in the mid 50s. SE winds around 10 mph.
Feels late in the year today than it really is. Almost chilly this morning. The next week looks comfortable with temperatures in the upper 70s. Might be an 80 sneak in, but doesn’t look all that likely. I know folks who work outside are very grateful for this comfort level moving in. Especially with wearing those rotten masks. Sweating behind a mask all day has become a nightmare. Also raising a lot of ailments for some. Be glad when common sense moves back into society and this nonsense stops.