Friday, May 29, 2020-SW Michigan-Rainy Morning, Sunny Afternoon
Currently 60 with an average wind from the SSW of 2 mph. Feels like 60 degrees. Dew Point 55, Barometer 29.91 & rising, Humidity 84%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 6:06 am, Sunset 9:13 pm.
Mostly cloudy with a 50% chance of morning showers becoming a sunny afternoon. High around 70. W winds around 10 mph.
Mostly clear overnight. Low in the upper 40s. N W winds 5 -10 mph with gusts to around 30 becoming light.
Sounds like a decent week coming up. Might hit the 80 degree mark again about next Tuesday or Wednesday. Seems like a nice summery week coming up.