Saturday, may 23, 2020-SW Michigan-Sun And Clouds With Overnight T-Storms Coming
Currently 67 with an average wind from the SE of 4 mph. Feels like 67 degrees. Dew Point 61, Barometer 30.03 & rising, Humidity 80%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 6:10 am, Sunset 9:07 pm.
A mix of sun and clouds. High 79. SE 10 -15 mph.
80% chance of overnight thunderstorms. Low 63. SSE winds 10 -15 mph.
Today may be the last decent day for the next week. We all know how quickly a weather forecast can change but right at the moment it appears as if the next 6 days will be bringing rain. What a dreary week ahead. Put that on top of the latest news from our maniacal governor that she’s decided to keep us locked down until some time in June. No wonder so many people are depressed and getting more so. Between Mother Nature being mean and our governor being crazy, we’re pretty much screwed.