Monday, May 18, 2020-SW Michigan-Plenty Of Rain
Currently 53 with an average wind from the ENE of 14 mph. Feels like 49. Dew Point 53, Barometer 2979 & rising, Humidity 100%, Visibility 2 mi., Sunrise 6:14 am, Sunset 9:02 pm.
Cloudy with a 100% chance of rain. High 58. ENE winds 15 -25 mph.
70% chance of overnight showers. Low 54. ENE winds 15 -25 mph.
There is an Areal Flood Warning in effect until later today. But I suspect it will be in effect longer than that.
At the rate the rain is falling this morning it looks as if it will be raining forever. Only life I’ve seen outside so far is one soggy Hummingbird and a dripping wet Black Squirrel. Brave, wet little creatures. Or just hungry wet little creatures.