Friday, Feb. 21, 2020-South West Michigan-Clouds Clearing Our For The Day
Currently 18 with an average wind from teh WSW of 12 mph. Feels like 6 degrees. Dew Point, Barometer 30.53 & falling, Humidity 73%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:31 am, Sunset 6:20 pm.
Clouds clearing out leaving sunshine galore for the rest of the day. High 32. WSW winds 15 -20 mph with higher gusts possible.
Clear overnight skies. Low 26. WSW winds 10 -20 mph.
Well, the clouds haven’t quite departed yet, but it seems they are on their way. Wish we could get rid of the cold temperatures, too. Granted, it does sound as if Sunday and Monday we may find ourselves in the low 40s, but then it all tumbles again back into the 20s. I mean for good, get rid of the cold. I’m so longing for 70 and 80 degree days. I know. I know. They’re on the way, but they’re still a long way off and for a person who purely does hate being cold, it’s going to be a long wait. In the meantime, the blue skies up there help.