Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2019-South West Michigan-Winter Weather Advisory In Effect
Currently 22 with an average wind from the W of 5 mph. Feels like 15 degrees. Dew Point 15, Barometer 30.07, Humidity 74%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 8:08 am, Sunset 5:08 pm.
Mostly sunny morning will give way to a cloudy afternoon with a 40% chance of snow showers. High 34. W winds 10-20 mph.
Mostly cloudy overnight with a 50% chance of snow. Low 16. WNW winds 10-20 mph.
There is a Winter Weather Advisory in effect until tomorrow morning. A chance of up to 3″ of snow. See? What did I say? Out of the blue the weather changes, where at one point, just recently, there was not a flake or a drop of precipitation in our view, we now have an advisory in effect. No surprise, I think. Our weather changes so much so often. So from not having any chance of a White Christmas to who knows? I guess it’s a wait and see thing.