Sunday, Dec. 15, 2019-South West Michigan-Sun Doing It’s Best To Brighten The Day
Currently 28 with an average wind from the W of 9 mph. Feels like 19 degrees. Dew Point 18, Barometer 30.09 & rising, Humidity 66%, Visibility 9 mi., Sunrise 8:06 am, Sunset 5:07 pm.
50% chance of widely scattered snow showers. High 29. W winds 5 -10 mph.
Cloudy overnight with a low of 23. Light and variable winds.
We did have a Winter Weather Advisory in effect overnight for freezing drizzle followed by a light snow. We got that and it did make the roads this morning a bit slick, but nothing drastic. And this time of year, it could jolly well have been very drastic. In fact, peering ahead it does still look as if our weather will be fine and dandy for December with nothing extreme making any threats. At least for now this is what we can expect. Fingers crossed that nothing untoward shows up out of the blue…or as is usually the case, Canada and the frozen north. So far, so good.