Sunday, Dec. 8, 2019-South West Michigan-Rain Moving In For Tonight & Tomorrow
Currently 38 with an average wind from the SSW of 12 mph. Feels like 30 degrees. Dew Point 32, Barometer 29.93 & falling, Humidity 8 mi., Sunrise 8:00am, Sunset 5:06pm.
Cloudy with a high of 43. SW winds 10 -20 mph.
90% chance of showers becoming steady overnight rain. Low 39. S winds 5 -10 mph.
Today looks to be our last really decent day for awhile. Rain moving in, then cold and snow. Things are going to change as winter moves back in on a more steady footing. Was bound to happen. Bummer. But temperatures of more than 20 degrees less in only a few days will not feel nice.