Saturday, Nov. 30, 2019-South West Michigan- A Couple Of Miserable Weather Days Coming Up
Currently 32 with an average wind from the E of 15 mph. Feels like 22 degrees. Dew Point 27, Humidity 82%, Barometer 30.08 & falling, Visibility 10 mil, Sunrise 7:52 am, Sunset 5:08 pm.
Cloudy with 40% chance of rain showers with some sleet mixed in. Temperatures steady in the mid 30s. E winds 10 -20 mph.
100% chance of rain mixed with snow. Some sleet and freezing rain possible. Becoming windy. Low 32. E winds 20 -30 mph.
It does sound as if today and tomorrow will be messy. Out of nowhere this ugly little spot of weather has dropped on us. However, it also sounds as if Monday on will be more or less pleasant for most of the remainder of the week. I guess we can wade through this misery in order to get to the nice stuff without too much stress.