Saturday, Nov. 16, 2019-South West Michigan-Sunny And Chilly
Currently 28 with an average wind from the E of 10 mph. Feels like 19 degrees. Dew Point 19, Humidity 69%, Barometer 30.51 & falling, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:35 am, Sunset 5:17 pm.
Mostly sunny today with a high around 34 degrees. ESE winds 10 -15 mph.
Partly cloudy tonight with a low of 21. ESE winds 5 – 10 mph.
The cold doesn’t feel nearly as bad with the sun is shining. And it’s doing its best to shine through a thin layer of clouds. Hopefully these will clear out eventually, but in the meantime, there’s enough sunshine working its way through to make it seem okay. So far there is still no precipitation on tap until about next Thursday. I’m okay with that, too. If the sun peeks through once in awhile with no snow, good enough.