Friday, Oct. 25, 2019-SouthWest Michigan-Clouds and Color
Currently 43 with an average wind from the E of 1 mph. Feels like 41 degrees. Dew Point 36, Barometer 34.00, Humidity 77%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 8:07 am, Sunset 6:44 pm. Mostly cloudy today with a high around 49. W winds 5 – 10 mph.
Cloudy to partly cloudy overnight. Low 30. Light and variable winds.
Starting to hear that dread S words scattered in and about our forecasts. Seems there are a couple of cold fronts wandering about and heading our way. In addition to the uncomfortable temperatures, it’s sounding as if rain/snow mix could make an appearance. This is unconscionable on the part of Mother Nature. It’s not Halloween snow we enjoy. For those who feel the need for a white ground cover, it’s Christmas, not Halloween that is supposed to look pretty. Shape up, Mother Nature. Behave yourself.
In the meantime, lots of clouds for us, but also lots of color. Yesterday with the sun shining on them, the changing leaves were brilliant. A lovely time of year – long as you can hold off thinking about what follows too soon after, that is. I have trouble with that part.