Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2019-South West Michigan-Bright Morning To Possible Rainy Afternoon
Currently 47 with an average wind from the SE of 11 mph. Feels like 42 degrees. Dew Point 37, Barometer 29.96 & falling, Humidity 67%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:55 am, Sunset 6:59 pm. Partly cloudy to a 40% chance of afternoon rain. Thunder possible. High 58. SSE winds 10- 15 mph.
80% chance of evening thunderstorms will become cloudy after midnight. Low 44. WSW winds 10 – 15 mph.
It’s a lovely bright morning with plenty of blue skies overhead. Sounds as if that will change by afternoon and I do see more clouds trying to move in already. So, anything needing doing outside best be done pretty quick before that window closes.
Night temperatures are beginning to be in the need of a heavier comforter on the bed range. Couple days of rainy weather ahead of us and no chance of hoping for warmer temperatures from now on. If we’re lucky enough to hit a 60 degree day from her on out, it will be good. Mostly 50 degree days and 40, maybe some 30 degree nights now.