Friday, Sept. 27, 2019-South West Michigan-Rain Coming In
Currently 56 with an average wind from the SSE of 9 mph. Feels like 54 degrees. Dew Point 45, Humidity 66%, Barometer 29.88 & falling, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:34 am, Sunset 7:30 pm. Cloudy with a 60% chance of scattered thunderstorms. High around 70. SSW winds 10 – 20 mph.
100% chance of overnight rain. Some locally heavy. 1-2″ expected. Low 59. WSW winds 10 -15 mph.
Not much more than a thin mist this morning but it looks and feels as if the sky’s going to open up and pour a whole lot more down on us as the day goes along. Tonight sounds like we have to expect a deluge. Somehow tomorrow has managed to squeeze in some sunshine but the 3 or 4 days following that will be bringing us more rain.
Didn’t see a Humming bird at my feeder yesterday. Maybe I just missed them – or maybe the little guys have started their long journey. I always fear for their safety and hope they make it to their intended destination. They’re such tiny creatures and have so far to go.