Thursday, July 25, 2019-South West Michigan-Lots Of Blue Sky, Cool Temps
Currently 69 with an average wind from the WSW wind of 8 mph. Feels like 69 degrees. Dew Point 57, Humidity 65%, Barometer 30.18 & rising, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 6:24 am, Sunset 9:11 pm. Sunshine with a few afternoon clouds. A small chance of a shower or thunderstorm. High 83. WSW winds 10 -25 mph.
Clear overnight skies. Low 62. SW winds 5 – 10 mph.
Just heard that this past month of June was the hottest on record. Ever. For the entire planet. Wow! For all those who made it through that time without a working A/C, I salute you! And I realize there were millions of folks that either had to or just did accomplish that very thing. Hopefully the rest of summer won’t be quite so brutal. July hasn’t been awful.