Monday, July 15, 2019-South West Michigan-Here Comes A Hot, Humid Week
Currently 75 with an average wind from the SSW of 7 mph. Feels like 75 degrees. Dew Point 66, Humidity 73%, Barometer 30.04, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 6:15 am, Sunset 9:19 pm. Mostly cloudy becoming partly cloudy. There is a possibility of a stray shower or thunderstorm. High 88. SW winds 10 -20 mph.
Mostly clear. Low 71. SW winds 10 – 15 mph.
It does sound as if tomorrow might be a tad on the cooler side, with the chance of some t-storms coming through, but if it is a bit less hot, it’s going to be the last one for the week. Looks like a miserable week coming along – especially for those with no A/C. Summer is with us – with a vengeance.