Monday, April 8, 2019-South West Michigan-Thinning Clouds This Morning
Currently 53 with a W wind of 10 mph making it feel like 49 degrees. Dew Point 49, Humidity 87%, Barometer 29.86 & rising, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:12 am, Sunset 8:16 pm.d Cloudy morning will become a partly cloudy afternoon. High 654. W winds 5 – 10 mph.
A few overnight clouds with the slight chance of a little rain. Low 41. WSW winds 10 -20 mph.
I don’t know, but checking the weather map in regards to that big April snow storm shaping up to the West, things are getting a tad dicey around my area. We seem to be right on the border of going from rain to a mixed mess to snow. I guess at this stage there’s nothing to do but keep an eye on things and be ready for whatever comes along.
On a perhaps positive note, I did hang out the Humming bird feeder this morning. It’s early but they’ve been seen in Pentwater already and I’m not about to let any of the weary little bundles of feathers go hungry should they get to my place. I’d rather waste a little hummingbird food and make more batches of it than take chances. I’m ready should any of them not be smart enough to stay the heck out of the north until it really does warm up – and stay warmed up.