Tuesday, March 26, 2019-South West Michigan-Lots Of Sunshine Today
Current temperature 34 with an ENE wind of 7 mph making it feel like 28 degrees. Dew Point 9, Humidity 35%, Barometer 30.49 & rising, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:35 am, Sunset 8:01 mph. Mostly sunny today with a high of 46. Light and variable winds.
Mostly cloudy becoming clear overnight. Low 26. Light and variable winds.
Going to see blue skies today with a temperature high enough to help erase some of the dirty blobs of snow piled up here and there. That and some rain coming around Thursday and Friday should help with all but what were the highest piles. Those seem to shrink and get uglier but not vanish for the longest time. Looking forward to when it’s all done and gone.