Saturday, Jan. 26, 2019-South West Michigan – Cold, Much More Snow Coming
Currently 3 with an average wind from the S of 6 mph making it feel like -7. Dew Point -3, Humidity 75%, Barometer 30.22 & falling, Visibility 9 mi., Sunrise 8:03 am, Sunset 5:46 pm. Cloudy today with a few snow flurries possible. High 17.
Cloudy tonight with a 50% chance of snow flurries, low 8. SW winds 10 -15 mph.
Cold, but not too much more snow until sometime Sunday night and through Monday where we could, possibly, end up with a foot of new snow. SO not looking forward to this. The brutal cold is going to hang around until maybe next week Sunday where there is a chance of zooming way up into the 20 degree range. Will feel like a heat wave. This is a cruel streak of weather encompassing our nation – all thanks to the ornery Jet Stream bringing the frigid Canadian air with it. Frankly worried about this coming Monday. Should the snow build up and knock out power, I have no idea of how we’ll all survive the zero and below temperatures. Fingers crossed that this storm somehow manages to lessen or slip past us without as much harm as it looks to be bringing.