Sunday, Jan. 20, 2019 South West Michigan – Bitter Cold Air
Currently 0 with a N wind of 6 mph making it feel like -11. Dew Point -7, Barometer 30.27, Humidity 70%, Visibility 10 mi, Sunrise, 8:08 am, Sunset 5:38 pm. Sun and clouds mix today, high 12. N winds 10 -20 mph.
Clear overnight skies, very cold. -6 expected. N winds 10 -15 mph.
Woke to a -8 degree reading. Outside the snow underfoot is crunchy and the air freezes the hairs in your nose. It’s flat out bitter cold out there. Took out the offerings for the birds and squirrels and immediately there were at least a dozen squirrels feeding. Black, gray, brown, red. I feel so bad for the critters out in this miserable Arctic air. And I see cat paw prints out around the ground heated bird bath so some nitwit around here is still tossing the cat out into the elements. I want so much to find those goofy people and toss them out in the cold, see how they’d fare with the bottoms of their feet freezing. As you can tell, I firmly, absolutely firmly, believe that people who have pets ought to also own a modicum of common sense…I don’t expect intelligence, but at least some capability of thinking.