Sunday, Dec. 30, 2018 South West Michigan – The Sun To Put In An Appearance Today
Currently 26 with an average wind from theĀ SW of 12 mph making it feel like 16 degrees. Dew Point 20, Humidity 77%, Barometer 30.10 & falling, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 8:13 am, Sunset 5:15 pm. Mostly cloudy morning becoming mostly sunny in the afternoon. High near 35. SSW winds 10 -20 mph.
Clear to partly cloudy. Low 29. S winds 5 – 10 mph.
Our temperatures continue to stay rather moderate for this time of year in Michigan. Got almost 3/4 of an inch of snow overnight. Looks to be a chance for some freezing rain tomorrow, which just in time for New Year’s is not a good report. Hoping that won’t happen. Then a chance for a bit of snow Tuesday and Wednesday, other than that, nothing spectacular taking aim at us. Except for that opportunity for freezing rain, not bad at all for ending up this year.