Tuesday, Dec. 25, 2018 South West Michigan – Merry Christmas
Currently 26 with a SE Wind of 5 mph making it feel like 20 degrees. Dew Point 20, Humidity 77%, Barometer 30.33 & rising, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 8;12 am, Sunset 5:12 pm. Cloudy with a 40% chance of afternoon snow showers. High 34. Light and variable winds.
Cloudy with a low 31. Light and variable winds.
Still a dusting of snow on the ground and snow showers likely this afternoon. Just enough white to make the White Christmas people happy. A few snow showers due this afternoon, but nothing heavy coming so far. Another frozen mix coming about Thursday but maybe that will skip town and miss us. Fingers crossed.
In the meantime, have a grand and glorious Merry Christmas.