Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2018 South West Michigan – Cloudy, Cold, Snow Showers
Currently 27 with a NNW wind of 10 mph makes it feels like 17 degrees. Dew Point 21, Humidity 77%, Barometer 30.33 & rising, Visibility 0.5 mi, Sunrise 7:32 am, Sunset 5:19 pm. 60% chance of snow showers. High 30. NW winds 10 – 15 mph.
Partly cloudy with a low around 20. WNW winds 5 – 10 mph.
Hazardous travel alerts were posted this morning due to slick and icy roads. That will likely continue off and on as the snow and cold continues – especially on highway overpasses and interchanges. And so begins our Winter travel woes in Michigan. Annual misery that some people simply fail to accept and continue to travel at excessive speeds – thereby causing accidents in their wake where ever they go. It’s infuriating each and every year that some folks won’t – or can’t – adjust their brain to a changing weather conditions. Actually, when you get right down to it, even in summer weather with rain,fog, etc. conditions, it all comes down to speed being the killer. There are people who just should not be allowed behind a moving vehicle wheel.