Thursday, Nov. 1, 2018 South West Michigan – Cloudy Start To November
Currently 43 with an average wind from the NE of 8 mph. Feels like 38. Dew Point 37, Humidity 80%, Barometer 29.92 & rising, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 8:16 am, Sunset 6:33 pm. Mostly cloudy today with a high of 47. NE winds 5 -10 mph.
Cloudy tonight, low 34. NNE 5 -1 0 mph.
Tons of leaves all over the place and they’re too damp to do much with at this point. Alas…
I was taking heart that the Old Farmer’s Almanac sounded as if it predicted a slightly above temperature, below precipitation winter for us. However, listening to the report out from the government figures, it appears to be exactly the opposite of that. Not what we want to hear. Colder with more snow? What the heck is good about that? Yeah, I know. We have a weak El Nino or what ever coming along this year. Swell. No matter what the excuse, Old Man Winter will give us what comes along and the best we can do is the best we can do.