Sunday, Oct. 28, 2018 South West Michigan – Rainy Sunday
Currently 40 with an ESE wind of 9 mph. Feels like 34. Dew Point 39, Humidity 95%, Barometer 29.64 & falling, Visibility 2 mi., Sunrise 8:11 am, Sunset 6:39 pm. 100% chance of rain, some storms could be heavy, high 44. ENE winds 10 -15 mph.
Cloudy tonight, low 36. NW winds 5 – 10 mph.
At the moment some strong storms are heading my way so expecting some heavy rain, lightening around here momentarily. Sounds, for the most part, like nothing much more than a cool, rainy day. Rather ugly out there and not a great day to be out and about. Appears to be more rain coming along about Tuesday and the…guess what…next weekend. Swell.