Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2018 South West Michigan – First Frost Of The Season Coming Tonight
Currently 41 with an average wind from the NW of 13 mph. Dew Point 30, Humidity 64%, Barometer 30.15 & rising, Visibility 10 mi., SunriseĀ 7:58 am, Sunset 6:51 pm. Mostly cloudy with a slight chance of a rain shower. High 44. NW winds 15 – 25.
Partly cloudy tonight with widespread frost likely. Low 28. NW winds 10 -1 5 mph.
Freeze Warming in effect from 10 pm this evening through 10 am tomorrow.
Yup – here is comes. The first frost will successfully kill off anything growing this but it will give the color from the trees a boost. Good and bad, huh? Personally, I have a hard time seeing anything but the bad because this is only the beginning of the cold season – my least favorite part of living in Michigan. Alas…nothing I can do about it but bundle up and hope for an early Spring.
One thought on “Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2018 South West Michigan – First Frost Of The Season Coming Tonight”
We had our first frost a few days ago, killed my impatiens but my other flowers are still good.