Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2018 South West Michigan – Another Windy One
Currently 40 with an average SSW wind of 13 mph. Feels like 33. Dew Point 33, Humidity 75%, Barometer 30.10 & falling, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:57 am, Sunset 6:57 pm. Partly cloudy today. Windy. WSW winds 20 -30 mph. High 53.
Partly cloudy overnight with a slight chance of rain showers. Low 37. WNW winds 10 -20 mph.
Yesterday was bitter. That 20 -30 mph wind cut right through a jacket and there was no way not to feel chilled to the bone. Just a little taste of what’s to come before any of us care to think about it. It’s no wonder I hibernate for most of the season. I hate being cold worse than about anything. And it’s starting already. Geez…..