Monday, Oct. 15, 2018 South West Michigan – Cloudy to Partly Cloudy & Windy
Currently 42 with an average wind from the WNW of 13 mph. Feels like 34. Dew Point 40, Humidity 93%, Barometer 29.99 & rising, Viability 10 mi., Sunrise 7:55 am, Sunset 6:69 pm. Chance of morning showers. Cloudy to partly cloudy afternoon. Windy. WNW winds 20 -30 mph. High 43.
Partly cloudy overnight, low 36. W winds 10 -15 mph.
Wind already kicking up this morning and with it coming in at 20 -30 mph this afternoon, I suspect a lot of leaves will hit the ground again today. It’s cool this morning, but hey…it’s Autumn. Going to stay that way now. Looks as if Wednesday night we’ll see it drop below freezing for the first time. I’m so not ready for this. But then again, I’m never ready for it.