Monday, Oct. 8, 2018 South West Michigan – Foggy, Unseasonable Warmth Again
Currently 57 with an ESE wind of 5 mph. Feels like 56. Dew Point 57, Humidity 100%, Barometer 30.12 & falling, Visibility 0.3 mi., Sunrise 7:47 am, Sunset 7:11 pm. Mostly cloudy today with the possibility of a stray shower or thunderstorm. High 82. SSW winds 10 -15 mph.
Partly cloudy tonight with a low of 66. S winds 5 -10 mph.
Autumn is usually a time of strange weather and this time around is holding true to form. Warm, even hot, one day, dropping 20 -25 degrees the next. Right now we’re heading into a couple of overly-warm days and then around Thursday, down 30 degrees. No time to shift clothes in the closet yet because from day to day you don’t know if you’re going to need warm clothes or something cooler. A bit of a roller coaster ride. At any rate, today we have fog, and climbing temperatures, a bit of rain likely. After the gloomy, chilly weekend, today doesn’t sound all that bad.