Friday, Oct. 5, 2018 South West Michigan – Autumn Rains For Us
Currently 45 with an E wind of 11 mph. Feels like 39. Dew Point 41, Humidity 85%, Barometer 30.13 & falling, Visibility 2 mi., Sunrise 7:44 am, Sunset 7:16 pm. 100% chance of rain today, high 54. ESE winds 10 – 15 mph.
100% chance of showers and thunderstorms tonight, low 52. ESE winds 5 -10 mph.
Not going to warm up too much today and should be a wet one as the day rolls along. Not a good day to be going outside to tend to Fall chores. Unfortunately, the next 6 days seem to be about the same If it all holds together, a lot of rain coming for us.