Thursday, Oct. 4, 2018 South West Michigan – A Fine Fall Day
Currently 56 with an average wind from the NNW of 13 mph. Feels like 53. Dew Point 45, Humidity 67%, Barometer 30.06, Visibility 10 mi, Sunrise 7:43 am, Sunset 7:18 pm. Cloudy morning to sunny afternoon. High around 58. NW winds 10-20 mph.
Clear to partly cloudy overnight, low near 40. ENE winds 5 -10 mph,
Plenty of overnight wind, blew away the warm temperatures we enjoyed yesterday. It’s back to a more fall-like feel today. Should be a pretty, crisp afternoon. And I guess we’ll best all be out there enjoying it ’cause it appears we have rain in our forecast for the next 6 days running. Swell…