Friday, Sept. 21, 2018 South West Michigan – Strong Wind Ushering In Much Cooler Weather
Currently 75 with a SW wind of 17 mph. Feels like 75. Dew Point 68, Humidity 79%, Barometer 29.72 & rising, Visibility 10 mi, Sunrise 7:28 am, Sunset 7:41 pm. Windy! W winds of 20 -30 mph with gusts to 40 mph. Mostly cloudy today with a high of 75.
Mostly cloudy becoming partly cloudy after midnight. Much cooler – 44 as a low. NNW winds 15 – 25 mph decreasing to 5 = 10 mph.
A substantial both hands on the wheel wind is going to blow in today, bringing much cooler temperatures. Dropping down to 44 tonight, which is most certainly put that comforter back on the bed weather. This is a strong cold front swooping in today and I’m fairly certain we’ve seen the last of the 80 degree temps. We’ll be happy to see 70s.