Saturday, September 1, 2018 South West Michigan- Fairly Good Chance For T-Storms
Currently 68 with an average wind from the SSE of 7 mph. Feels like 68 degrees. Dew Point 66, Humidity 95%, Barometer 30.02, Visibility 9 mi, Sunrise 7:06 am, Sunset 8:16 pm. 80% chance of thunderstorms developing today. High near 80. SSW winds 10 -15 mph.
80% chance for thunderstorms overnight, low 68. SW winds 5 – 10 mph.
Quite close feeling this morning, but it’s a fine morning none-the-less. Looks like there might be a pretty good opportunity for getting more rain today and tonight. 80% is nice odds. Tomorrow looks sunny and clear with another chance for rain coming in on Monday. For those out camping, taking advantage of Summer’s last hurray, that doesn’t look wonderful, but we’ve see so often enough here that the forecast isn’t necessarily set in stone. So they might luck out with 3 days that end up rain free. I guess everyone will find out eventually. Since I’m not planning anything outdoorsy this weekend, doesn’t matter one iota for me. I’ll be happy with whatever rolls through.