Currently 60 with an average SE wind of 3 mph. Feels like 60. Dew Point 50, Humidity 68%, Barometer 30.20 & falling, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:30 am, Sunset 7:37 pm. Sunny today with a high near 70. ESE winds 5 -10 mph.
Clear overnight skies. Low 49. E winds 5 – 10 mph.
Hate to admit it, but I did break down and turn on my heat this morning. 44 degrees outside, 68 inside…too cold for me to be able to get up and hop in the shower. Thank goodness I have the thermostat app on my IPhone so all I have to do is reach over and turn on my heat, A/C, adjust temperatures, etc. without ever having to step a toe outside the covers. I love that!
Off to breakfast this morning I found fog over the river. Didn’t seem to be any anywhere else but over the water. Lucky I had to stop for a traffic signal long enough to snap a photo.
I suspect the leaves will be ramping up their decision to change colors soon. The cooler nights usually signal time to round up the rakes and have them on the ready before to long. I know so many people love this season…they come alive in the Autumn. Me? I have to fight depression each and every single year when Fall rolls around. I know it’s only because of the season that follows right behind it. And yeah, I get some stunning pictures in the Fall but still…and as soon as the first snow falls, I’m okay. It’s as if something inside just snaps out of it and says, “Oh well, winter’s here. Get over it. It won’t last forever and then it will be Spring.” And then I’m find. But getting through Autumn.