Friday, August 31, 2018 South West Michigan – Cool Mornings Make You Think Of School Days
Currently 66 with a SSE wind of 9 mph. Feels like 66 degrees. Dew Point 62, Humidity 88%, Barometer 30.15 & rising, Visibility 10 mi, Sunrise 7:05 am, Sunset 8:18 pm. Partly cloudy morning to a sunny afternoon, high 82. SSE winds 10 -15 mph.
Partly cloudy overnight with the chance of a stray thunderstorm. Low 68. SSE winds 5 – 10 mph.
Oh yes…right about now, with the mornings so cool and crisp, I always think about going back to school. New clothes, new shoes, a little fear, a little anxiety, a lot of eagerness…No matter how old I get, there go my thoughts wandering away at this time of year.
In the meantime, it was suddenly chilly here after so many hot dry days and it’s quite a change. Starts you thinking flue shot time is coming along, time to start messing around with the time change again (when is someone with a brain going to stop that nonsense?), and watching the birds and critters outside begin to take on a slightly more hurried manner. I’m sure they feel the season changes much earlier than we do and begin their seasonal preparation before we get around to ours.