Friday, August 24, 2018 South West Michigan – Might Be Some Rain Moving In Over Next Few Days
Currently 65 with a S wind of 9 mph. Feels like 65 degrees, Dew Point 55, Humidity 70%, Barometer 30.06 & rising, Visibility 10 mi, Sunrise 6:57 am, Sunset 8:30 pm. Partly cloudy to cloudy with a 40% chance of afternoon rain. High 77. S winds 10 – 20 mph.
70% chance of light rain with scattered thunderstorms popping up. Low 63. SSE winds 10 – 15 mph.
There appears to be a chance for some rain over the next 4 or 5 days. Doesn’t necessarily mean we’re going to be getting any, but the opportunity is hanging out there. We could use some. We’ll see.
Watching the ‘preparation’ for Hurricane Lane in Hawaii and I’m underwhelmed by it all. Are those people so blase that nothing fazes them or simply…well, simple? Beyond clearing out the grocery stores and – yes, they really were doing this – busy building a 3 ft. ‘berm’ of loose sand along the beach – I don’t see much going on. Umbrellas still flapping in the wind, no windows bordered up, people wandering around with umbrellas and a few standing out on cliff side areas with 20 ft. waves dashing up at them. Probably the most nonchalant place I’ve ever seen in my many years of hurricane watching. Sort of harkens back to New Orleans where they were so unprepared and allowed a wingnut to herd thousands of them into a sports arena with no toilet facilities, no food, no water, no…well, nothing. Or they all simply stayed in homes that ended up totally flooded and then – again, thousands of them – had to be rescued. And they all expected things to go well. What is it about these places? Hawaii – islands in the middle of an ocean. New Orleans, a bowl, virtually under sea level depending on aged levies to save them. Doesn’t anyone think ahead anymore? I don’t know…I guess I expect more sense from people. Silly me.